09 November 2012

2 party system - beneficial or not?

Since last 10 years a debate has been going on in our country that whetehr 2 aprty system is int he benefit or emergence of additional choices is better for Pakistan.

I have been  witnessing Pakistani politics only since last 9-10 years.One thing's for sure that chances are nil for any party to gain simple or 2/3 majority by transparent means now and apparently there is'nt any chance of army's intervention any more in the near future.It means that we'll see a hung parliament in future.

SInce i have witnessed 2 parliaments completing their tenure and both of them were hung.Both of them faced charges of corruption.Although the one under dictatorship faced less serious charges than the current one.

Fazl ur Rehman

Altaf Hussain

WE have seen PPP's recent government being blackmailed by MQM,ANP and JUI etc on different issues.All these have been blackmailing PPP to get their demands fulfilled.Same for the PML-Q which joined PPP just to get Munis Ilahi free of charges.
munis Ilahi

Although if we look back,we'll find corruption in two party system as well.But since 2003,circumstances have changed very much.
Independant judiciary and independant media have made people aware of their rights and of what is going on in the country.Moreover,if media tries to cover some party or politician or any issue,social media unveils it.

So, if Judiciary keeps doing its job as much independantly as it is doing now but boosts the speed to deal with the thousands of the pending cases and army does'nt interfere any more,hung parliament is in broader benefit of Pakistan.Judiciary's performance has been satisfactory over alst 4,5 years.Be it rental power case,be it NRO case,be it Bhutto's trial case,be it Asghar Khan case,be it CNG case,supreme court has been superb.But yet there are some cases such as Karachi chaos case,Balochistan case and above all Arsalan Iftikhar case where judiciary seems to be playing on back foot and it is being criticez the most on Arsalan Iftikhar case.Arsalan Iftikhar seems to be getting favours from investigating authorities one after another.Judges of supreme court should deal this case fairly ,otherwise everyone will criticize judiciary of giving relief to Chief Justice's son and will demand the same for his own kins..........

If these few concerns of public,politicians and media are removed,judiciary will get maximum support from public and even a hung parliament wo'nt be hurdle in the road to a better or prosper Pakistan.

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