07 November 2012

Collective dilemma of our media

We often hear our media raising slogans against corruption,but media does'nt boither to think that how media is promoting corruption?
You dont believe me?here is a detailed anlysis .....

the #2 electronic media network of Pakistan has lost its standard.Yes,i'm talking of none other than ARY group.About half a year ago,a video was leaked on youtube in which pseudo-schoalr AAmri Liaqat Hussain could be seen abusing and using foul language...The video was of those days when Aamir Liaqat used to be on Geo TV ,and was leaked when he was at ARY TV......Even a child could realize who could be behinf the leaking of the video....Aamir refuted the video,but could'nt present any evidence in his defence.ARY did'nt fire him and let him continue his show.After some 9,10 months Aamir Liaqat was seen back on Geo Tv ,hosting the show with a different name "Aalim aur Aalim"

And then came the case of Maya Khan who assumed herself an employee of some law enforcing agency and started annoying youth in parks....She was criticized unanimously by the media and her own pics were brought onto media and then she realized that it hurts when privacy is affected and later she apologized and said that all those shown in the program were hired actors.....Prior to this case she used to do the show on Sama TV ,but after that one program,Sama apparently fired her and ARY picked her up.....She created another controversy while on ARY.This time she was accused of converting one Hindu guy to Islam forcefully.....Apaprently,Ansar Burney had sought to sue her...She did her show for quite some time and then took break and recently she has come back on ARY 

Recently,when Arslan Iftikhar Scandal was being discussed on all TV channels,a very unique scandla came forward where two very renowned anchors Mubashar Luqman and Mehr Bukhari were found to be guilty of doing a planted interview.......Supreme Court took notice of this interview,but the anchors did'nt feel ashamed and Mubashar Luqman switched to ARY Tv fronm Dunya TV thus making ARY the most sub-standard News Channel whereas Mehr Bukhari is on maternity leave these days.....Dunya TV did'nt bother to fire either of them.....

Previously,Mehr Bukhari along with Asma Sherazi and some other journalists was seen at US counslate in too intimate pauses with black guys.,

A few months ago,Talat Hussain accused Najam Sethi of being US Agent,but did'nt provide any evidence...Najam Sethi in response to that allegation proved Talat Hussain an agent of CIA's shadow organization by tweeting a scan of wikileaks....The channel for which Talkat Hussain worked,did'nt take any notice against him

and recently when T20 worldcup started,express news hired Muhammad Amir as analyst and ARY once again took another rotten tomatto back,namely Salman Butt.These two ere found guilty of spot fixing some 2 years back and were convicted by English courts and have recently completed their penalty of jail.
When Spot Fixing case had come forward the same media was the first to criticize these,even when they were'nt proved guilty.This media first inflammed the public and then took all rotten tomattoes back.........

Whosoever has even a little bit of authority in Pakistan,thinks himself immune of trial....Be it the president,the judiciary,the army or media....We have witnessed all these criticizing others,but frowning when someone criticizes them.......Media mocks of politicians whereas they should be ashamed of their attitude.......They seem to be self-proclaimed teachers of ethics,but they need to learn ethics themselves first.......

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