14 November 2012

The solution to unemployment and substandard education

I had earlier done a post on substandard education being delivered in many Private universities and consequently increasing number of not so competant graduates and hence ever increasing unemployment.I had promised to suggest a solution to these problems.the link of that post is given below so that if you have'nt read that post,you can read it.

Now i'll like to move on towards the solution.
The solution to substandard education is very simple.Federal Ministery of Sceince and Technology and Minsitery of Education should unanimously announce to close those universities which have a very small campus,not-so-good labs,substandard curriculum.And above all,there one Federal institute should be established which will be responsible for the checking of papers in country by keeping the identity of university secret (so that chances of taking bribe by paper checkers are nullified and students may not fall prey to the tussel and competition between Universitites etc).My proposed plan is that the teachers who will check the papers will not take classes in that semmester but will get full pay from that newly established Federal institue for checking.Approval from this federal institue will be necessary upon each institue to start working.Lab exams and vivas will also be conducted by Lecturers/Professors etc nominated by this institue.This will ensure a fine crop of passing graduates each year.

And Minsitery of Education and Minsitery of Science and Technology should announce a restriction to open any more engineering institues because there are already enough.Instead Minsitery of Education of each province in collaboration with Minsitery of Health and World Health Organization should open at least 2-3 New Medical Universities of International Standard and a hospitalw ith each University in each province because our country needs focus on health facilities and at present we are lagging behind the point where we should be.As per my knowledge foreign countries dont acknowledge our doctors except thsoe from 2 or 3 institutes and our doctors have to go abroad to do theri specialization.Why dont we establish a few institues of international standard which may offer the specialization of international standard? .So,setting up new universities and hospitals will improve the health condition of the public and will improve the standard of medical education in Paksitan.

My plan for the end of unemployment is that government should create new vaccancies and no employee should be given a permanent job because what happens in Pakistan is that after a person gets a permanent job,he becomes relax that no one can fire me and thus he starts to shirk work,leaves office earlier than the official time etc etc.Thus new job notifications should be for 3 years only and at the end of contract the performance of each employee should be judged.If found satisfactory,he should be promoted to the next scale ,otherwise he should be fired and new recruitments should be made.

And an internship programme for 1 year duration should be started so that when fresh graduates will finsih their internships ,they will have an opportunity to get employed in some government institue.
It should be also noted that fore-mentioned steps to improve the standard of education will themselves create thousands of enw vaccancies as well.

This scheme ensures a guaranteed significant reduction in unemployment.Although i am not a political worker of any party uptill now,neither i am biased towards any particular party,yet i am suggesting these solutions because the benefit is of Paksitan and i dont care whether i get any credit for that or not.I am sure that  there exist many  wiser men than me who can give better ideas and suggestions to their parties and they do,but their parties rule out their advices.Therefore i have opted blogging as a mean to spread awareness among the public.

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