09 November 2012

Why U.S.A is a super power?

I have been hearing since years that whenever something extraordinary happens,middle clas or lower class youth of Pakistan blames U.S.A for that thing.Previously U.S.A was only blamed for political upsets but recently our pseudo-intellectuals started pointing out that  Earthquake of 2005 and recent floods were also result of some HARP technology,through which USA not only targeted Pakistan but Haiti as well.

And my response after hearing all this thing was that let U.S.A remain U.S.A ,dont try to give it the status of God.Because being a Muslim my faith is that only Allah can manage activities of so large magnitude.

One of the reasons that U.S.A is a super power is that they dont blame any conspiracy theory for their natural disasters.They tend to find out the root of the problem.And their record tells tha tthe most of the times ,they succeed in it.

And just today i read the news that CIA chief of USA ,David Patreaushas resigned because FIA had come to know about his extra marital affair.This is not the one of its type incident ,such resignations have been made in history as well.Some 1.5 years ago a senator resigned because he had sent erotic mails to some women and his mails were expsoed and he had to resign.

I'm not sure whether their constitution or law demands such resignations or not,but keeping their liberal society in view i think there wo'nt be any clause like this in their law or constitution.If it is so,resignations are really appreciable.And in contrast to their politics,what do we have here in Pakistan?Almost 80-90% of our politicians have been committing such unethical activities and some of them were even exposed in the media,yet none of them bothered to resign or retire.

I still remember that in Musharraf's governemnt a Train accident took place in Pakistan.Opposition demanded a resignation from minister of Railways by giving instance of Indian Minister of Railways who had resigned after a train accident.And the Paksitani Minister then said in National Assembly that why should we follow a Hindu being Muslim..............

We cant prosper as a nation untill we adopt some good traditions from each society and culture

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