09 November 2012

An abridged defence of shia (by a hanafi)

(I decided to write this post after i read a post on an Urdu blog by some sunni guy who had a name which sunnis dont use generally.He had written some punny and tauntative but factually wrong points,which i thought necessary to condemn as the image of shia community is being amde worse by ignorant idiots like him and those who support him by tweeting his article.Such people indeed are responsible for creating sectarian hatred and indirectly repsonsible for shia killings).The link of that post is given below:

Since last 8-9 years,I have been hearing strange things about shia.I used to hear that when on aashur they take out shabeeh e zul jinnah,they pass under it and touch it and do even more weird things just because they consider it taboo.Since i was a child back then,i never bothered to inquire about it.

Then i heard that they have a different kalmah,therefore they are basically out of Islam.Since internet was'nt available ,so i had no access to religious content and due to strict environment of my home,i was a blind follower of what elders used to tell.

Then as i grew elder,i heard that they consider intercourse for a short and agreed time legal ,which is'nt allowed Islam.I also heard that on aashur night,they turn the lights off and .........

As i kept growing older,the list of allegations against shias kept extending.Due to massive propaganda ,there came a stage when i had become strictly anti-shia element myself,though i never thought that it was legitimate to kill them.

It was only a year ago when i thought that i should listen their opinion on the controversial issues and thus i started watching sunni-shia debates on youtube,read some scanned books of shia.But i did'nt read any history book by some shia author.I relied on Tabari ,who was a sunni scholar and many of his traditions are included in Bukhari and Muslim as well.

After some 6-7 months of study i concluded that if any shia does'nt admit the caliphate of first 3 caliphs legitimate he does'nt become apostate because having faith on the legitimacy is'nt a basic requirement to be Muslim.

As far as the accusition is on them that they abuse companions of the Holy Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam specially hazrat umar,this is true for some shia among the public but not true for their scholars.And even if someone commits this action,in the light of ahadeeth,he does'nt become apostate.The reason they feel hatred towards hazrat uamr is due to some historical events,which although sunni scholars tend to hide and not mention,but they are true.

As far as adding Aliyyun Wali Ullah to kalmah is concerned,i admit that Aliyyun Waliullah should'nt be recited with kalmah.Not because doing so is prohibited but because there are many AuliaUllah but Wali ul momineen are only 3 as per verse 55 of sura al maedah : Allayh,RasulAllah Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam and Imam Ali alaye hi salam.And Ali alaye hi slaam is spring of Tasawwuf,All regular sufi orders spring from him so He in a sense is'nt emre WaliUllah but Syed ul Aulia.

As fas the accusition of mutah is concerned ,when i searched about this matter i found the statements of two companions who said that we used to do mutah in Prophet's life until hazrat umar made it prohibited.The viewpoint os shias is that a thing which was'nt condemend by Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam cant be made prohibited by anyone else.Although sunni scholar sbring another tradition from Bukhari to counter this argument in which it is stated that mutah,domestic donkey's meet and garlic were made prohibited on the day of khaybar.but shia present the argument here that since garlic is mentioned and we still use garlic  this mans that this tradition is forged one.and it is written in the book of Ahmad Raza Khan Brelvi ,Fatawa e Razviyya,that if a man and woman agree that the man will divorce him after a specific time period,the marriage is still valid.
This actually is mutah.
In my opinion it is makruuh,neither haram nor msutahabb.

As far as the mysteriouss tory of turning off lights is concerned,i found in some book of history probably in ibn e  khulduun's or ibn e kaseer's that ubaidis used to do this,who were anti-athna asha'ri,yet claimed themselves as shia.

As far as respecting shabeeh e zul jinnah is cocnerned,i believe that there exist many traditions of ignorance among brelvis as well and although educated brelvis try to shun those,fanatics tend to follow them.ignorance exist among all sects,so this is'nt a real issue.

Shia are also accused of not believeing in Quran.they are blamed to believe that the present Quran is'nt complete one.I found that although such traditions exist in shia books but those are weak ones and similar traditions exist in sunni books as well but they    are also weak ones.For example,such traditions exist that some surah ahd actually this much verses.and besides that there exist an interesting debate among sunni scholars that whether Bismillah before each surah is part of that surah or a separate verse.If it si considered a separate verse,the total number of verses will exceed than the present number 6666.I read a tradition in sunan ibn e maja withmy own eyes that Hazrat ayesha's goat ate some pages of Quran upon which some surah was written.Although i rejected this tradition at the first sight,such traditions may create confusion for a reader.Moreoever we are taught that Quran was brought into form of one mus'haf in the government of Hazrat Usman.This tradition and traditions associated with it may also create confusion.The reality is that Quran existed as one mus'haf in the life of holy Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam.After the veil of Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam from this physical world,Imam Ali alaye hi salamdid the exegisis (tafseer) of Quran and it is said that mus'haf written by His hands
contained surahs in the order of revelation.But first caliph refused to take that ,upon which Imam ali alaye hi salam took that mus'haf with Him and became sad at this attitude.Some people are confused by this tradition as well.Whereas actually that mus'haf had exactly same number of verses as the very first shia book "Kitab sulaim bin qais" also confirms it.

These are some very general and repeatedly quoted allegations upon shia ,but thes edont prove that each shia is kafir.Yes,if any shia rather any Muslim denies basics of the religion i.e Tauheed (Monotheism),Khatm e Nabuwwat (End of
Prophethood at Syedna wa Mulana Muhammad Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallm),Quran and prior heavenly books (i.e those heavenly books were revealed by Allah but were later corrupted by the schoalrs of the respective nations),Malayekah (Angels),Qayamat (Doomsday) he is a kafir.

History of shia
And the biggest argument in the defence of shia is that they have been existing since the live of Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam.You do'nt believe me?Ok,let em tell you that soem of companions of Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam were clsoely associated with imam Ali alaye hi salam.these comapnions were Hazrat SalmanFarsi,Hazrat Miqdad,Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari,Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir.These had very sheer love and respect for Imam ali alaye hi salam due to His merits told by Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam and due to his magnificent character.and there were some thers as well but htese 4 had sheer love for Ali alaye hi slaam.Immediately after the Prophet's death (i.e physical veil from this world),these scribes of Ali alaye hi salam (i.e shian e Ali) emerged as a political power.They kept silence most of the time in first 2 caliphates but in caliphate of Hazrat Usman they objected to many policies of Hazrat Usman as did many other companions of Prophet S.A.W.A.W (who were'nt scribes of Ali alaye hi salam) and Umm ul momineen Hazrat Ayesha.As a result some of those companions also became scribes of Ali alaye hi salam.When Imam Ali alaye hi salam took charge of calipahte,some renowned people started rebillion against him.From their started the bad time for the scribes of Imam Ali alaye hi salam and those who respected Ahl e bayt (SalamUllahi alayehim ajmaeen).Oppression was done on them for some 600-700 years through Umawwi and Abbasi reign.no one can deny that Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik attended the  "Dars e Hadeeth" of Imam Ja'far alaye hi salam in Umawwi reign.

Shia had been existing since some 70-80 years by then.The point to ponder is that if shia are kafir ,why did'nt these two founders of their respective fiqahs declared them so?Neither did any of their direct disciples did so.There are many other points in favour of shia relating to Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifa,but i'll discuss them in some other post.I think for now,its enough.

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