07 November 2012

Subtle politics of Shehbaz Shareef in Punjab

It is the very old tradition of sub-continent to give titles to self.This tradition still exists as Chief Minister Punjab Mian Shehbaz Shareef has claimed himself as " khadim e aala ".A critical analysis of few of his policies will reveal that how true is he in his claim.

Last year he started distributing laptops among youth.He started that scheme to attract the young voters of PTI.And that scheme was so unfair that laptops were awarded to students of agriculture,arts,law and medicine whereas they did'nt need it.I being the student of engineering know that although we engineers have to work on softwares as huge as 8GB ,yet majority of us managed to complete engineering without laptops.
However the point is that if someone needed laptops,it were students of IT,BCS and Engineering etc.Rest all are using laptops for watching movies,playing games and using facebook.

Transparencey International had also objected to distribution of laptops.The distribution of laptops on so masive scale seems nothing but a political stunt.My point is emphasized by another evidence that last year Mian Nawaz Shareef had come to UET to distribute laptops.....He gave a political speech,motivated students to stand by him in the next elections.....The question here arises that in what capacity had he visited UET,whereas he is'nt even a member of National Assembly?........

He's been making political speeches in all ceremonies.Be it the ceremony of distribution of laptops,ceremony of Ashyana Housing scheme,distribution of green tractors,Distribution of badges for internship etc etc......He's lucky enough that his opponents have'nt referred to election commission to decalre him ineligible for the next elections because he's been advertising his party in a very subtle manner with government's funds........

A few days ago i saw the poster of Punjab Youth Internship Program on Social Media.........It revealed the schedule of laptop and internship badge distribution in different cities.......But in the bottom,the number of PML-N was given alongwith the instructions to join PML-N.I am attaching the pic below as a proof:

What is this?Nothing else but publicity of PML-N with government's funds.....!!!

A few days ago,when new world records in Punjab were being set,we saw another subtle trick of CM punjab.He had sent his son Hamza Shehbaz when the record to form largest flag was to be set.
And i thought what an aopportunity he has provided to his son to introduce himself to media and to the public of Punjab.......His supporters may say that Hamza had come there as Chairman Punjab Sports Board....But then the question arises that Hamza Shehbaz is the member of national asembly,why has he been appointed as chairman in a provincial institute?Tales of nepotism,does'nt stop here.....Ata Ul Haq Qasmi a scribe of PML-N is serving as Chairman Punjab Arts Council,jsut because he has his favours attached with PML-N......Yesterday i saw an ad on Tv where Hamza Shehbaz was holding a torch and delivering dialogues like a flop actor.......PReviously Shehbaz Shareef himself had appeared in an ad....Why so much expenditure to glamourize one family?Why?

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