07 November 2012

An analysis of Shehbaz Sahreef's speech in Bahawalpur

Below is the excerpt of Shehbaz Shareef's speech which he delivered in Bahawalpur while distirbuting internships and laptops :

Let us now analyze this news :
1- His speech reveals that he has'nt learnt anything from his exile.He has'nt got enough tolerance uptill now to bear criticism.Thats why he is using the term "Jaahil" i.e ignorant for those who have criticized hislaptop scheme.Some people had raised very genuine objections on laptop scheme but since Mr. CM considers himself the wisest of all,he does'nt care or probably he's cleevr enough to gain the sympathies of youth by distributing laptops blindly,without bothering who is in sheer need of laptop or not.

2- He thinks that by distributing laptops ,he'll be able to produce 20,000-25,000 computer experts/research scientists.He does'nt know that getting a laptop does'nt mean that you have become a computer expert and as far as research scientists are concerned ,there will be hardly 5000 research scientist in whole country.Every Tom dick and Harry can't be research scientist.I guess his incompetent and dumb advisors tell him such things.

3-He said it is your right to vote and then he conveyed his message  between the lines that remember us while voting since it is me who is giving you laptops.

4-Then he met the family of those 26 persons who had lost their lives in a road accident.He condoled with them and announced 0.5 million rupees for each of them.Condoling is fine,but they had died in a traffic accident.Such accidents keep ahppening everywhere.
will he pay to eah of them as well?
Since he has to give money from government's fund,he does'nt bother.If he was to give form his ownpocket,he would never have because giving 0.5 million rupees to 26 individuals means distirbuting 13 million rupees and he distributed 75,000 to each of the injured ones.
If these people had died in a calamity,then this distribution of money would be fine but giving to victims of road accident does'nt amke sense. 

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