26 December 2012

Rejection of Parvezis/chakralwis

For quite some years there has appeared a group which calls itself ahl e Quran to distinct itself from others.This group has several names with more or less the same ideology.Their main beleif is thatQuran is the prime source of guidance.it contains each and everything for guidance.Hadith only confirms Quran.Therefore they dont give much weightage to hadith.

I appreciate their love for Quran yet i reject their ideology in a straight forward manner because as far as basic issues are concerned,Quran does give us an outline but we can determine the minor details only by following ahadeeth.For example,Quran tells some basics about financial dealings,e.g whenever you make a deal,write it down and have witnesses on it and that do'nt eat up each other's property unlawfully etc etc.But in our age,the  trading has become far more complex.several new forms of trading hve been introduced over past some decades.

To check the lawfulness of those forms of trade we'll have to consult hadeeth,and if we fail to find the answer in hadeeth,we can go towards ijma' and qayas.This is just about financial dealings,whereas our whole lifestyle has modernized and several new issues have become prominent for discussions.

So,in my personal opinion,we need hadeeth as well as Quran and perfect logic to solve our problems.May Allah guide all of us towards straight path.

25 December 2012

کچھ ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے بارے میں

آج کل ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری نے ملک میں دھوم مچایی ہوئی ہے .ہر اخبار ،ہر بلیٹن میں ان کی خبریں چل رہی ہیں.ویسے شیخ الاسلام کا عہدہ اب تو رہا نہیں ،لیکن جب ہوتا تھا تو کل عالم اسلام کا سب سے بڑا سرکاری عہدہ تھا .

آج تک یہ معمہ بھی حل نہیں ہوا کہ یہ لقب انہیں دیا کس نے ؟اگرچہ مشھور اداکار فردوس جمال کا کہنا ہے کہ یہ لقب انہیں ان کے مرشد پر صاحب آف دیول شریف نے دیا تھا .ویسے شیخ صاحب کے مخالفین کو ان پر یہ اعتراض ہے کہ ان کو بشارتیں بہت کثرت سے ہوتی ہیں .خیر اس بارے میں تو وہی بتا سکتے ہیں کہ ان کو دی گیئ یہ بشارتیں وقت پہ پوری کیوں نہ ہوئیں ؟

بہرحال جو چیز حیران کن ہے وہ یہ کہ صوفی برکت علی جیسے صاحب نظر آدمی بھی ان سے خاص  اور لگن کا اظہر کرتے تھے .نجانے ایسا کیوں تھا ؟یہی نہیں ،صاحب علم پیر ،پیر نصیر الدین نصیر نے ان کی شان میں ایک سہرا بھی کہا تھا .لیکن پیر نصیر صاحب نے تو عرفان شاہ مشہدی کی بھی تعریف کی تھی جو ڈاکٹر صاحب کا سخت مخالف ہے اور اس کی باتوں اور عادت و اطوار سے جہالت اور تکبّر ٹپکتا ہے .عرفان شاہ کی مسجد میں بیٹھ کر ڈاکٹر صاحب کے حامی کو گالیاں دینے والی ویڈیو بھی موجود ہے انٹرنیٹ  پر.الله جانے کہ پیر صاحب نے آگ اور پانی دونوں سے دوستی گانٹھنے کی کوشش کیوں کی ؟

حقیقت یہ ہے کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب کی بہت سی متنازعہ بشارتوں کے باوجود علماء اور مشایخ کی ایک کثیر تعداد ڈاکٹر صاحب کی حمایت کرتی ہے .ڈاکٹر صاحب نے ڈاکٹر اسرار ملعون کی مولا علی کرم الله وجھھ ،علیھ سلام کی شان میں گستاخی کے بعد جو تفصیلی جواب ڈاکٹر صاحب نے دیا تھا ،اس کے بعد ڈاکٹر صاحب کے بہت سے مداح اہل تشیع  میں بھی پیدا ہو گئے تھے ،مگر پھر ڈاکٹر صاحب کو نجانے کیا  سوجھی کہ  اہل تشیع سے خود ساختہ مناظرہ کرنے چل پڑے .علمی استدلال تو خوب دیے ،مگر جہاں ڈنڈی مارنی پڑی ماری ،کیونکہ بهرحال اپنی دکان بھی بچانی تھی .مگر نتیجہ اس کا یہ ہوا کہ وہ صرف بریلویوں کی ایک محدود  جماعت کے نمایندہ بن کر رہ گئے .

23 دسمبر کو ان کا اجتماع  خاصا بڑا تھا ،لیکن اس میں تقریبا %90 لوگ وہ تھے جو ان کے مدرسے کے طلبہ تھے اور ان کی فیملیز .اب ڈاکٹر صاحب نے 10 جنوری کو لونگ مارچ کی نوید سنایی ہے.میرا ذاتی خیال ہے کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب اپنے ارادوں میں کامیاب ہو جاہیں گے ،ملک میں 3 ،2 سال کے لئے ایک نِ٨گڑَن سیٹ اپ قایم کر دیا جائے گا ،دونوں بڑی جماعتوں کا صفایا کر دیا جائے گا،کچھ بڑے مسایل حل کر کے عوام کو بھی ریلیف دے دیا جائے گا ،یوں عوام  کو بھی کوئی اعتراض نہیں ہو گا ،جیسے مشرّف کے دور میں عوام سب بھول بھال گیے تھے ،اور ججز بحالی تحریک اور لال مسجد نے لوگوں کو مشرّف کے خلاف کیا .امید تو یہ بھی ہے کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب کو اس نگران سیٹ اپ کا سربراہ بنا دیا جائے.اور یوں شاید ان کی وہ بشارت سچ ثابت ہو جائے جس کے مطابق انہیں اس ملک کا وزیر اعظم بننا تھا  .اگر انہیں نہ بنایا گیا تو غالباً PTI کے مرکزی رہنما اسد عمر کو نگران سیٹ اپ کا سربراہ بنا دیا جائے کیونکہ ان کے پاس Engro Group کی management کا خاصا تجربہ ہے .

آگے کیا ہوتا ہے،یہ تو ہمیں 10 جنوری کے بعد ہے پتہ چلے گا .

23 December 2012

مک مکا

published in december 2012
published in daily express on 22-12-12 

published on 23-12-12

آخر یہ سب لوگ ایک ہی بات کیوں کر رہے ہیں ؟ کیا واقعی مسلم لیگ نواز اور پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی میں مک مکا ہو گیا ہے ؟

17 December 2012

ایک دینی اور علمی مغالطے کی تصحیح اور ثبوت

عام طور پرسنی حضرات کی جانب سے اکثر یہ کوشش کی جاتی ہے کہ شیخین یعنی حضرت ابو بکر اور حضرت عمر کا مقام شیعہ دشمنی میں اتنا بڑھا دیا جائے کہ نعوز باللہ یوں گمان ہوتا ہے کے خوارج کے اثرات ان میں لوٹ آیے ہیں اور یہ شیخین کا َمقام نبی آخر الزمان حضرت محمّد صلّی الله علیھ و اله وسلّم  سے بھی زیادہ دکھانا چاہتے ہیں.اسی ہے ایک روایت وہ ہے جس کا مفہوم ہے کہ عمر جس راستے سے گزر جاتا ہے ،شیطان بھی وہاں سے گذرتے ہوے ڈرتا ہے.ہونا تو یہ چاہیے تھا کہ علماء اس روایت کو سیدھا مسترد کر دیتے،اس بنا پر کہ جو چیز ،جو وصف نبی نے اپنے لئے مقرّر نہیں کیا،وہ عمر کے لئے کیسے ہو سکتا ہے؟اور جب قرآن میں الله نے کہا ہے کہ اس نے شیطان کو قیمت تک خالی چھٹی دی ہے ،وہ جیسے چاہے انسان کو گمراہ کرنے کی کوشش کرے ،تو پھر جب الله نے اسے آزادی دی ہے قیامت تک،تو وہ بھلا ایک آدمی کے کسی راہ سے گزرنے سے کیوں گھبرایے گا ؟لیکن چوں کے میرے سنی بھائی اس سے بھی قایل نہیں ہوتے ،تو عرض ہے کے جناب اگر یہی بات ہوتی ٹوہ پھر واقعہ حرّہ کیوں ہوتا؟مسجد نبوی میں گھوڑے کیوں باندہھے جاتے ؟صحابیات کی عصمتیں کیوں پامال کی جاتیں؟اگر یہ روایت صحیح ہوتی تو شیطان اور اس کے چیلے چانٹوں کو مدینہ میں قیامت تک داخل ہے نہیں ہونا چاہئے تھا .
لکن اگر اس سے بھی تسلی نہیں ہوتی تو ایک لنک دے رہا ہوں جس میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ ایک شخص مسجد نبوی میں ایک عورت سے نازیبا حرکات کرتا ہوا پکڑا گیا ہے

 .جب شیطان مسجد نبوی میں جا کر لوگوں کو ورغلا سکتا ہے تو پھر اس روایت کے صحیح ہونے کی ایک ہے صورت ہو سکتی ہے،وہ یہ کہ حضرت عمر  کبھی مدینہ میں رہے ہی نہ ہوں ،اور کبھی مسجد نبوی بھی نہ گیے ہوں. 

16 December 2012

How to avoid wet dreams/bed wetiing problem of children

I'm doing this post just because the URL and orientation of my blog says so.Wet dreams have been a big problem for men all over the world.After some observation i have noted that a few factors cause wet dreaming (ehtlaam/ihtilaam).

The cure of wet dreaming lies in a few simple precautions.To avoid wet dreams (ehtlaam),you should drink your last glass of water/milk or any drinkable liquid at least 3 hours before going to bed.if this time is lesser than 3 hours ,you ar elikely to have a wet dream.
Never go to bed with aheavy stomach.Do some workout.3 sets are recommended.If you dont have dumb-bells,you can do 2 sets of push ups,and 3 sets of sit ups.

This works for sure.i can guarantee it.If betting was allowed in Islam,i would have placed a bet that if you go to bed with a full stomach,and with water drunk,without workout,you're very much likely to have a wet dream (ehtlaam) no matter what wazifas do you read before sleeping to avoid it.

A tradition to counter sunnis who mock of shia

Although i follow Hanafi fiqah mainly,yet sometimes i hear very strange allegations on shia by my sunni brothers.One such allegation by sunnis is that shia zakireen do'nt quote something authentic and that in each of their speeches/sermons,there is a line "awaz ayi" meaning that (the voice came from apparently some invisible means).Sunnis object that such traditions cant be believed.I have been saying that such voices come to sunnis (i.e muhadditheen,sahaba,taba'yeen,aulia etc) as well ,but they never bother to care.And it is interesting that these voices come to shia from their Imam or any other infalliable,but come to sunnis from sucha  source the impression of which is taken to be Allah.
Below is such a  tradition :

published in Jang Sunday Magazine on 25-11-2012

I'm sharing this just to tell that sarcasm on the basis of forged and false or weak traditions is'nt a fair thing,such traditions can exist in your own books.

Fall of Dhaka

published on 16-12-12

Published on 16-12-12

published on 1-5-2011

13 December 2012

the reasons of decrease in PTI's fame

Recent surveys have revealed that PTI's popularity has decreased over last 6,7 months.Imran Khan,Chairman PTI has admitted that the popularity of his party has decreased.Let's try to investigate those reasons and factors which led PTI to such cicumstances.Below are a few factors which i personally consider responsible for decrease in his fame.

Shehbaz Shareef launched Laptop Scheme to encounter Imran Khan's popularity in youth.And he succeeded in getting the sympathies of youth by technically bribing them in a subtle manner.

Shehbaz Shareef announced 50,000 internships for youth.Instead of allocating the concerned department or field to people,he put all in one sack and sent them to govt schools for teaching.I myself am a witness that even graduate engineers and Business Adminsitration graduates were sent to govt schools.But people had concern with making money only.This factor also favoured him.

Going one step further ahead,he announced to distribute 20,000 helmets in the name of traffic security.The question which should be asked from CM is that a person who can afford a motorcycle of some 70,000 PKR,cant he afford a helemt of 300 rs.

PTI's youth after 2 big gatherings became very proud and started dealing media persons rashly.They did'nt tolerate anyperson who criticized or differed with Imran Khan's policies.Media felt it a threat for itself and satrted giving less importance and coverage to PTI's events.Although PTI officials deny the impression that yoputh has been doing so on the encouragement from officials of the party,yet there are some strong evidences that Arif Alwi,Awab Alwi and Shafqat Mehmud were behind all this thing.Although by the time ,the intensity has lightened,but its not fully over yet.

PTI was meant to represent youth but we have'nt seen a single face from youth appearing on talkshows from PTI.He should train his young ones by sending them in talkshows and by letting the world know that his party is'nt dependant on the old ones only.

Only those members of PTI have been criticizing the federal and Punjab government with tooth and nail which have been in PTI since ever or those who are closely related to Imran Khan.We have'nt seen Shah Mehmud Qureshi and Javed Hashmi roaring against PMLN and PPP at their full volume for quite a few months.

PTI chairman,Imran Khan was put under allegationsof corruption in Shaukat Khanum Trust's funds,and the nation stood by him.But he had vowed to file a case against Khawja Asif the very next day.But he sent a notice to Khawaja Asif several months later and the status of that notice is still unknown.

PTI has been politically inactive since quite a few months.PTI's decision to boycott by-elections was a political mistake.Imran Khan had announced that all of his party members will resign from the assembly,but 2 or 3 are still sitting in assemblies.In such circumstances ,he should have had participated with tooth and nail in by-election to know whether the public in Punjab is with him or not?

What Imran Khan can still do?

The water has'nt got over head even at the moment.Imran Khan can still doa few things to increase his party's fame.

First of all he should'nt be talking about negotiations with Taliban any more because thisw thing is creating differences among him and the educated,liberal youth.If he keeps insisting on the dialogue,it will deteriorate his repute further.

He should bring forward original and new faces.I am quite sure that he has got many young,well educated,well mannered guys which only need a spotlight for their political grooming.

The most important thing is that whenever Imran khan talks against Shehbaz Shareef he does'nt quote statistical figures to expose his corruption which gives an impression that he's just blowing out his frustration.He should quote stats to sound authentic e.g 1 lakh laptops which were distributed in 2011 could'nt cost more than 3-4 billion butPunjab government claimed that it had spent some 22 billion on the scheme.This was a big scale corruption yet easily detectable but noone dare to speak against it.1.5 lakh laptops which are being distributed this year do'nt cost more than 9 billion.So collective expenditure of this year and previous year is some 14 billion,still less than 22 billion claimed last year by Punjab government.

His social media team is quite competent.they should collect stats about the worse condition of education and health in Punjab and the nominal amount being spent on these two.He can also quote the expenses on Rapid Bus Project repeatedly and he should.He should pen down the expenses of advertisements by Punjab government in different newspapers and on different channels and should contact election commission if any irregularity is found.

None of PTI officials dare to criticize Shehbaz Shareef's 2 weeks long official foreign tour as a CM,depsite the fact that i tweeted several journalists and PTI officials like Asad Umar and Shafqat Mehmud to talk on this issue.

 I just heard earlier today that Imran Khan has talked about politicization of Laptop scheme.It is good to know that but Imran Khan should go one step ahead and contact election commission on this issue and give reference of Nawaz Sharif's participation as a chief guest in the laptop distribution ceremony.

Imran Khan did'nt talk even once on bakery boy scandal,neither did his party members cashed this issue.they could have gained the public sympathies by speaking on this issue,but they did'nt.

There are two fields at least where you need to be in news all the time.the time you disappear from the news,the world wil forget you.one of them is the glamour/fashion industry and the second is politics.Imran Khan and his party needs to understand this well.They need to repeat their strong points of propaganda against Punjab government (which will obviously be based upon statistical figures) over and over again.Repetition does'nt make you sound unauthentic but can help pitch your opinion into viewers mind.
He needs to arrange at least 3 or 4 huge gatherings like those of Lahore and Karachi last year,in next 40 days.PTI needs to mobilize their youth at the moment.Thiese gatherings will serve as warm up activities for the election.

The strategy which Imran needs to adopt is to visit those places visited by shehbaz shareef,after him.He should spread awareness amongst the public about the corruption of Punjab governement and that what Shehbaz Shareef is spending on them is just a fraction and stilla  significant amount is going to his pocket.He needs to politicize the deaths due to substandard drugs for heart patients and many more issue.PTI should'nt now let even a minute opportunity to kick PMLN wasted.Kick as much as you can,and kick harder but with stats and refernces quoted.

The most important part of it is to gain the sympathies of youth back.PTI can remind youth of irregularities in online result system,UET's entry test which was leaked out some 2,3 years ago,Punajb Governement's harsh dealing with YDA and then agreement due to elections,appointment of teachers as dengue awareness teams,shut down of some 1700 schools,Schools' privatisation agneda of PMLN's manifesto etc etc.

Last and the most important thing si that Imran Khan needs to maintain party disccipline strictly.He had announced that all members of PTI curtly sitting in parliament will resign from their seats but AfzalSindhu and Awais Laghari did'nt resign,which gives an impression that there is no discipline in the party.Also the internal conflicts of party members are damaging the repute of the party.PTI needs to focus on these issues very seriously.

Do appear on tv screens more than often.Spread your word.Carry on your propaganda.Today i read Imran's statement ina newspaper that Zardari-Nawaz alliance cant beat me even if they buy the interim setup.He should avoid making such statements because if it happens so in future and if PTI does'nt cast the win by their expected margin,he wont be able to complaint against anyone as per hisown statements.He should be very careful by making statements .These are a few suggestions to PTI.I am quite sure that if PTI accepts these,its popularity will increase once again and It will win significant number of seats of PMLN in Punjab.

11 December 2012

پنجاب حکومت کی ٹرانسپورٹ پالیسی کا تنقیدی جایزہ

کچھ عرصے سے خبروں میں ریپڈ بس پروجیکٹ کا بہت چرچا ہے .یہ پروجیکٹ تقریباً 8 ماہ سے جاری ہے اور ابھی تک پایہ تکمیل تک نہیں پہنچا -خبر تو یہ بھی ہے کہ اس پروجیکٹ پر 70 ارب روپے لگ چکے ہیں اب تک -
جب کہ پنجاب حکومت کا دعویٰ ہے کہ ابھی تک اس پی صرف ٢٣ ارب لگے ہیں اور کل اخراجات کا تخمینہ 27 ارب ہے .

اگر یہ 70 ارب والی بات صحیح ہے تو اس کا مطلب یہ ہوا کے پنجاب کا تقریبا آدھا بجٹ صرف ایک پروجیکٹ پے لگا دیا گیا ،جس کا فایدہ صرف یہ ہو گا کہ 2000 ،3000 لوگوں کا سفر کا وقت آدھا رہ جائے گا .کیا 70 ارب روپے صرف اس لئے خرچ کر دینا کے روزانہ 2000 ،3000 لوگوں کے 20 ،25 منٹ بچ سکیں ،کیا یہ عقل کے  تقاضوں کے منافی نہیں؟

پنجاب حکومت نے جوش میں آ کر یہ اعلان  بھی کیا ہے کہ پہلے ماہ اس بس میں سفر بالکل مفت ہو گا ،جبکہ افواہ ہے کے بعد میں بس کا کرایہ 40 روپے فلیٹ ہو گا یعنی ہر سواری سے اس کی منزل سے قطع نظر 40 روپے کرایہ لیا جائے گا .

میں چونکہ ایک عرصے تک خود بھی لاہور کی بسوں میں سفر کرتا رہا ہوں ،لہذا میں جانتا ہوں کے عوام کی ایک بہت بڑی تعداد ایسی ہو گی جوصرف اتنی دیر بس میں سفر کرے گی جب تک یہ سفر مفت  ہو گا.
اس پروجیکٹ کے لئے تقریبآ 8 کلومیٹرطویل پل بھی تعمیر کیا گیا ہے جس سے سواریوں کو نیچے زمین تک لانے کے لئے لفٹس لگائی جاہیں گی.ان لفٹس کو جو کہ 24 گھنٹے چلیں گی،ان کی آپریشنل کوسٹ کتنی زیادہ ہو گی،آپ خود اندازہ لگا سکتے ہیں.خبر یہ بھی ہے کہ اس بس میں سفر کے لئے ای ٹکٹنگ بوتھس قایم کئے جاییں گے ،ان کی آپریشنل کوسٹ الگ سے ہو گی .
ڈیزل یا سی این جی کی قیمت الگ .کیا اتنے سارے خرچے نکالنے کے بعد یہ پروجیکٹ منافع دےپاے گا؟

ایسا لگتا ہے کہ شہباز شریف کو بھی صورتحال کی سنگینی کا علم ہے لیکن  وہ کچھ اپنی آنا کی وجہ سے اور کچھ اس وجہ سے کہ اب پروجیکٹ پے  اربوں خرچ ہو چکے ہیں ،کچھ کرنے سے قاصر ہیں .بہرحال اب اس کے سوا اور کوئی چارہ نہیں کہ اس بات کا ڈھنڈورا پیٹا جائے کہ اس پروجیکٹ سے لاہور شہر کی خوبصورتی میں اضافہ ہو گا (اور جو آلودگی میں یزفہ ہوا ہے اس کی وجہ سے اور آگے بھی ہو گا،وہ کس کھاتے میں جائے گا،جی؟)

سوال یہاں یہ بھی اٹھتا ہے کہ اچانک شہباز شریف کو کیا سوجھی اس پروجیکٹ کو کرنے کی؟تو جواب یہ ہے کہ اس پروجیکٹ سے بہتر پروجیکٹ یعنی لاہور سب وے کی فزیبلٹی رپورٹ چودھری پرویز الہی نے اپنے دور میں تیار کروآیی 
تھی مگر فنڈز نہ ہونے کے سبب پورا نہ کیا اس کو .اور یہ بہت ہی  مضحکہخیز بات ہے کہ حکومت پنجاب کروڑوں روپے خرچ کر کے اپنے پروجیکٹ کا موازنہ اس پروجیکٹ سے کر رہی ہے.سب وے پے  بیشک خرچ زیادہ ہوتا،مگر اس سے لاہور کی شان کتنی بڑھتی اس پے کوئی توجہ نہیں دلاتا .؟ٹورازم کو کتنا فروغ ملتا،وہ بھی کوئی نہیں سوچتا .    

شہباز شریف سے یہ سوال بھی پوچھنا بنتا ہے کہ جناب آپ کب تک میڈیا سے جھوٹ بولتے رھیں گے؟پچھلے سال جب آپ نے لاہور میں نیئی بسیں چلانے کا اعلان کیا تھا تو جناب خادم اعلی صاحب نے کہا تھا کہ پورے لاہور میں نیی بسیں چلایی جاہیں گی جو کہ ایئر کنڈیشنڈ ہوں گی،لیکن ایسا ہوا نہیں .صرف دو روٹس پر اے سی بسیں چلآیی گیئں.روٹ نمبر 1 اور روٹ نمبر 12 .اور روٹ نمبر12 کی بھی آدھی سے زیادہ بسیں پرانی کھٹارہ ہیں.روٹ نمبر ٢٦ پر صرف ایک نیی بس ہے اور کل بسوں کی تعداد صرف 6 ،5 ہے .میرا دل بہت کڑھتا ہے  جب دیکھتا ہوں کہ خادم اعلی صاحب عوام کے پیسے پر باہر کے سرکاری دورے کر رہے ہیں اور عوام بسوں میں اس طرح ٹھس کر سفر کرنے پے  مجبور ہے جیسے کسی ٹرالی میں بھوسا .

جناب خادم صاحب کیا صرف ان روٹس پے نیی بسیں چلانا پسند کرتے ہیں آپ،جو نہر کے ساتھ ساتھ ہیں یا مال پر؟جناب کیا باقی لاہور کی عوام کا  حق نہیں کہ وہ ٹرانسپورٹ کی بہتر سہولتوں سے مستفیض ہوں؟جناب آپ کو لوگوں کومعطل کرنے کا بہت شوق ہے نہ؟تو اب آپ اپنے چہیتے رانا تجممل سے استعفیٰ لیں جو لاہور میں ٹرانسپورٹ چلا رہا ہے اور ابھی تک ٹرانسپورٹ کے مسایل حل کرنے میں ناکام رہا ہے .کیا آپ لیں گے استعفیٰ اس سے ؟

جناب آپ کے دور میں ساڑھے چار سال عوام نٹر سٹی ٹرانسپورٹ مافیا کا ہاتھوں لٹتی رہی،آپ نے کیا کیا؟ٹرانسوپورٹرس اپنی مرضی کے کرایے وصول کرتے رہے ،آپ نے کیا کیا؟بادامی باغ اڈے کی حالت زار پی عوام روتے رہے ،آپ نے کیا کیا؟اب آپ ایک ریپڈ بس کا ڈھونگ رکھا کر یہ ثابت کرنا چاہتے ہیں کہ آپ عوام کے ٹرانسپورٹ سے متعلقہ مسایل حل کرنے کے لئے مخلصانہ کوششیں کر رہے ہیں .آپ عوام کو تو بیوقوف بنا لیں گے،لیکن خدا کو کیا جواب دیں گے ؟

04 December 2012

The origin of the universe and Quran

Criticism is usually taken as a negative trait specially in religious matters.But i believe that critical thinking can help you o look at things from a different point of view and hence open a whole new world of arguments for you.I myself has witnessed this many a times tha twhen i question some religious problem or doubt in my mind,Alhamdulillah ,more than often i find an answer.Same did i witness today.

As early as iw oke up today and even i ahd'nt washed my face,a question came to my mind that Quran says that Allah created everything from water,whereas the science says that the lightest element is Hydrogen and all elements and compounds were fromed  from it,the question rose in my mind that how do metals include water as a constituent.?same for other elements?
 and then i just thought for 5 minutes or so and i found the answer that if we try to cretae a correspondenc between tafaseer and science,we'll know that Allah created water first.the earth was all water at first.then A huge source of energy decomposed water into its ions i.e ionic Hydrogen and Oxygen,which then converted into molecular form.And those molecules then joined together to undergo fusion and create Heavier elements.These heavier elements constitute human body,yet water is the main constituent of our body.Since oxygen was necessary for the sustenance of species,its creation by fusion seems more illogical than decomposition of water.

This is the brief story of origin of the universe.

30 November 2012

قحط الرجال

ہم میں سے اکثر لوگ اس بات کا گلہ کرتے نظر آتے ہیں کہ ہمارے ملک میں قحط الرجال ہے،وہی پرانی چہرے بدل بدل کر سامنے آ جاکیا تے ہیں،لیکن اصل بات یہ ہے کہ اس کے ذمے دار ہم ہیں.

ہم خود تبدیلی کے حامی نہیں .روزمرّہ معاملات میں ہمارا رویہ اس قسم کا ہوتا ہے جسے پنجابی میں "ڈنگ ٹپاؤ" کہتے ہیں.اس کی ایک بہت چھوٹی  اور عام مثال یہ ہے کہ ہمارے ملک میں بہت سی مساجد ایسی ہیں جو آباد ہیں.کچھ نمازی 30 سال یا اس سے بھی زیادہ عرصے سے مستقل پنجگانہ نماز ادا کرنے آتے ہیں مساجد میں،لیکن انہی مساجد میں امامت 19 ،20 سال کے نوجوان کرواتے ہیں .اور اچھے خاصے پیرانہ سال نمازی بھی اسی نوجوان کی اقتدا کرکے اپنے کندھے سے فرض اتار رہے ہوتے ہیں کسی کو اتنی توفیق نہیں ہوتی کہ امامت کا ذمہ اپنے سر لے لے .بہت سے خطیب حضرا ت غلط روایات اور خلاف حقایق باتیں بہت دھڑلے سے بیان کر جاتے ہیں .میں ایک نہایت ہے احقیر اور گناہگار سا آدمی ہوں لیکن کوشش کرتا ہوں کہ اپنی آنکھیں اور کان کھلا  رکھوں اور دماغ کی کھڑکی بھی بند نہ ہونے دوں .تقریبا ہر جمعے کو ایسی روایت سننے کو ملتی ہیں اور میرا خون بھی کھولتا ہے لیکن اندیشہ نقص امن کے  تحت خاموش رہتا ہوں .

ایک بار ایک مسجد میں جانے کا اتفاق ہوا.وہاں جا کر دیکھا تو مسجد میں بہت خوبصورت کام کیا گیا تھا ،جس طرح  پاک و ہند کی مساجد میں ہوتا ہے.لیکن ایک چیز دیکھ کر دکه ہوا کہ وہاں مذاہب اربعہ کے بانی حضرات کے نام تو لکھے ہوے تھے اور ان کے بعد حضرت علی بن عثمان الہجویری المعروف  حضرت  داتا صاحب کا نام بھی لکھا تھا ،لیکن حضرت امام جعفر صادق علیھ سلام کا نام وہاں نہیں لکھا گیا تھا .مجھے بڑی حیرانی ہوئی کہ اب ٹوہ جامعہ الازہر نے بھی فقہ جعفریہ کو تسلیم کر لیا ہے،تو انہوں نے مذاہب اربعہ کے ساتھ ان کا نام کیوں نہیں لکھا ؟

خیر بات کو نظر انداز کر دیا میں نے .اسی مسجد میں کسی اور جمعے کو میں نے ایک اور چیز نوٹ کی .خطیب صاحب اپنے جوش خطابت میں انہوں نے کہا "ارے جب میرا داتا (اشارہ حضرت داتا صاحب کی طرف تھا ) یہاں تشریف لے تو یہاں سرے ہندو اور سکھہ آباد تھے ." میں نے سوچا کہ داتا صاحب تو یہاں کچھ 1000 سال قبل آیے تھے اور سکھہ مذہب تو صرف 600 -500 سال پرانا ہے .

مجھے یقین ہے ایسی باتیں ملک کی بیشمار مساجد میں ہوتی ہوں گی ،کچھ مساجد میں تو ایسی ضعیف روآیات بھی بیان کی جاتی ہیں کے جن کے مطابق نعوز باللہ خصوصا حضرت عمر کا مقام نبی صلّی الله علیھ و الھ وسلّم سے بھی بڑھا چڑھا کر دکھایا جاتا ہے،نعوز باللہ ،اور اس چیز کا با قاعدہ دفاع کیا جاتا ہے .کہیں پر حضرت غوث اعظم سرکار کا مقام صحابیوں اور ائمہ  سے بڑھا کر دکھایا جاتا ہے ،لیکن عوام بھی سنتی ہے چپ کر کے،کوئی اختلاف نہیں کرتا .کسی میں اتنی ہمّت نہیں.اگر کوئی ایک آدھا ہمّت کر ہی  لے تو اس کو گستاخ قرار  دے دیا جاتا ہے،اور عوام بھی ساری مولوی صاحب کی تایید کرتی ہے .یہ ہے قحط الرجال کی وجہ .جب ہم اختلافات کو علمی طورپر حل کرنا سیکھ لیں گے ،تو قحط االرجال ختم ہو جائے گا .جب ہم ایک دوسرے کی ٹانگ کھینچنے کے بجاے خود آگے نکلنا سیکھ لیں گے،تو مثلا حل ہو جائے گا.

ہماری بدقسمتی یہ ہے کہ ہم تقلید پسند مولویوں کے غلام بن گئے ہیں ،ہم نے علمی اور ذہنی ارتقا نہیں کیا،ہمیں دوزخ سے اتنا ڈرایا جاتا ہے کے ہم میں سے کوئی نماز کی امامت کروانا اس خوف سے پسند نہیں کرتا کہ کہیں اس کی غلطی سے باقی لوگوں کی جماعت نہ ناقص ہو جائے،خواہ کوئی نوجوان امام مسجد جو بھی غلطی کرے .

ہم میں سے ہر آدمی اپنے حال کی اصلاح کے لئے سرکارپہ  بھروسہ کرتا ہے کسی کو خود ہاتھ پیر ہلانے کی توفیق نہیں ہوتی .ہم لوگ ایک لیپ ٹاپ ،ایک ہیلمٹ ،یا 1000 ماہانہ پہ ووٹ کرنے کے لئے تیار ہو جاتے ہیں ،یہ نہیں سوچتے  کہ ہماری اس  حماقت  سے وہی لوگ دوبارہ بار سر اقتدار ہیں گے اور آ کر کہیں  گے کہ ہم اس گند کو پانچ سال میں نہیں سمیٹ سکتے جو پچھلی حکومت نے پھیلایا ہے .ہمارے اندر عدم برداشت اس حد تک بڑھ گیی ہے کہ اچھے خاصے  پڑھے  لکھے نوجوان اس وقت مرنے مارنے پہ آمد ہو جاتے ہیں جب کوئی آدمی ان کے سیاسی رہنما یا قاید پر اعتراض کرے.ہر جماعت کا کارکن اپنے رہنما کو پاک صاف دودھ کا دھلا دیکھتا ہے.اختلاف کی کوئی گنجایش نہیں ہوتی اس کی نظر میں.کچھ ارسا پہلے ایک پروگرام دیکھا جس میں کامران شاھد ملتان میں یوسف رضا گیللانی کے حلقہ میں گیا.وھاں ایک معقول نوجوان سے پوچھا کہ آپ علی موسیٰ گیللانی کے مقابلے میں کھڑے کیوں نہیں ہو جاتے انتخابات میں ؟اس نے جواب دیا کے ہماری تو اتنی اوقات ہی  نہیں ہے.یہ ہے ہماری ذہنی غلامی کی گہرائی .   

اگر قحط الرجال سے نکلنا ہے تو ہمیں باطل سے،جھوٹ سے اختلاف کرنا ہو گا اور اختلاف کو برداشت کرنا ہو گا،چاہے اختلاف مذہبی ہو،سیاسی ہو،یا لسانی .ہمیں خود کو قیادت سنبھالنے کے اہل بنانا ہے،اور خود کو تیار کرنا ہے قیادت سنبھالنے کے لئے. جب تک ہم روایتی قیادت پہ انحصار کرتے رہیں گے، انقلاب کا خواب صرف ایک خواب ہی  رہے گا.

28 November 2012

سیاسی جماعتیں اور فرقہ واریت

چند دن پہلے خبر سنی کہ سنی اتحاد کونسل نے مسلم لیگ قاف کے ساتھ اتحاد کر لیا ہے انتخابات کے لئے تو بہت افسوس ہوا.افسوس تو اس وقت بھی ہوا تھا جب نواز شریف نے پنجاب میں اپنے وزیر قانون رانا ثنا الله کو کلعدم سپہ صحابہ کے احمد لدھیانوی کے ساتھ جلسہ کرنے پر بھی کچھ نہیں کہا تھا اور سپہ صحابہ کے نیے روپ تنظیم اہل سنّت والجماعت کی ریلی کی حمایت کی تھی

یہ ہمارے ہاں کا اب ایک المیہ بن چکا ہے کے جماعتیں نعرہ تو نظام مصطفیٰ کا لگاتی ہیں لکن پانچ سال انہی اسسیمبلیوں میں گزرتی ہیں اتحاد کر کے جن سے عالم کفر یعنی امریکا سے امداد کی وصولی کے بل منظر ہوتے ہیں 
چند سال قبل ایک واقعہ سنا تھا کے ہمارے ہاں کے ایک بہت نامی مولانا صاحب امریکا تشریف لے گئے . وہاں جناب کو کسی نے گھاس نہ ڈالی .صرف ایک سینیٹر سے ملاقات ہو سکی وہ بھی اس کے گھر میں موصوف نے ان سے ان کے گھر میں نماز پڑھنے کی اجازت طلب کی اور نماز پڑھی بھی (یہاں یہ بات قابل غور ہے کہ اگر وہی سینیٹر پاکستان میں ان کے گھر آ کر یسوع کو یاد کرنا چاہتا اپنے طریقے سے تو کیا مولانا اسے اجازت دیتے؟ یہ مولانا پاکستان آ کر یہ پروپیگنڈا کرتے رہے کہ جی ہم تو کفر کے گھر میں نماز پڑھ کر اہے  ہیں 
یہ واقعہ بیان کرنے کا یہاں مقصد  یہ ہے کہ یہ لوگ جو اوم کو مذہب کے نام پہ بیوقوف بناتے ہیں  کیا ملک کو سنبھالنے کے اہل ہیں؟

ابھی کچھ ہی دیر پہلے احسان الہی ظہیر کی ای بک پڑھ رہا تھا جس میں بریلوی
 مسلک کے بانی احمد رضا خان بریلوی کا نہایت برے طریقے سے مذاق اڑایا گیا تھا .اور افسوس کی بات یہ ہے کے موصوف کا بیٹا ابتسام الہی جمیعت اہل حدیث کا عہدے دار ہے اور کبھی اس نے آ کر اپنے باپ کے اس فعیل  کی مذمّت نہیں کی ہمیشہ خالی باتیں ہی کی ہیں 

یہاں المیہ یہ ہے کہ سب اپنے پیٹ کی پوجا میں مصروف ہیں .وہابی اور دیوبندی
 شیعہ اور بریلوی لوگوں کو کافر کہتے ہیں .بریلوی شیعہ اور دیوبندیوں کو گستاخ اور بے ادب کہتے ہیں دیوبندی وہبیوں  کو نجدی کہ کر ان کا مذاق اڑاتے ہیں ال غرض ہر طرف تکفیر چل رہی ہے. اور ہر مسلک کے اندر آپسی لڑائیاں بھی چل رہی ہیں مثلا ڈاکٹر طاہر ال قادری جنہیں ایک دنیا جانتی ہے انکو ان ہی کے مسلک کے لوگ گمراہ قرار دیتے ہیں 
کیا یہ لوگ ملک سنبھالنے کے اہل ہیں؟

سب سے زیادہ  مضحکہ خیز بات یہ ہے ک ایم ایم اے دوبارہ بھال ہو گی ہے اور ایک دوسرے کو گستاخ اور کافر کہنے والے پھر سے سیاسی مفاد کے لئے اکٹھے ہو گئے ہیں کچھ لوگوں نے اسی تنظیمیں بھی بنایی ہیں جو بظاھر سب کے لئے لگتی ہیں لکن دار حقیقت کسی ایک مسلک کی بالادستی کے لئے کام کر رہی ہیں جیسے مجلس وحدت المسلمین جو شیعہ مسلک کی بالادستی کے لئے سرگرم ہے ایسی ہی ایک تنظیم ہے حزب تحریر .جو دار اصل تو  خلافت کے لئے سرگرم ہے لکن اس کے کچھ ارکان شیعہ نسل کشی میں ملوث  پاے گئے ہیں  

جماعت اسلامی کے پر تشدّد کردار سے تو سب واقف ہیں ہی مگر افسوس کی با
 ت یہ ہے کہ نواز شریف جیسا سیاستداں ان سے اتحاد کی بات کر رہا ہے تبدیلی کا نشان عمران خان طالبان کے لئے ہنرم گوشہ رکھتا ہے .الغرض یہ کہ مذہب کے نام پہ لوگوں کو بہلانا پھسلا نا سب کی مجبوری ہے  اور ہر لیڈر  اس مجبوری کا شکار ہو رہا ہے 
اور وجہ اس کی صرف ایک ہے.وہ یہ کہ ہم نے مذہب کو ایک ممنوع' شے بنا دیا ہے. ہم نے اپنے آپ پی خود حرام کر لیا ہے ہے کہ ہم نے مذہب میں غور و فکر نہیں کرنا ہم نے تاریخ اسلام نہیں پڑھنی ہم نے تفسسر اور ہدیتہ نہیں پڑھنی ہم نے تصوّف کی کتاب نہیں پڑھنی  کیوں کہ اگر ہم نے پڑھنے کی کوشش  کی تو ہم کسی غلطی کی بنا پر کافر نہ ہو جاہیں بدداتی نہ ہو جائے مشرک نہ ہو جاہیں  ہمارے گلی محلے  کے مولوی صاحبان نے بھی یہی سنا سنا کر ہمیں اس بات پی راسخ کر دیا ہے اور ہمیں عشق نبی اور عشق صحابہ کا درس دے دے کر اتنا جنونی کر دیا ہے کہ ہم ان دلیلوں کو بھی رد کر دیتے ہیں جو ہماری اپنی کتاب سے ہوں کسی اور مسلک سے نہیں ہم ذرا ذرا سی بات  پر کسی پہ   کفر کا فتویٰ لگا دیتے ہیں ہم رحمت للعالمین کی امّت ہو کر اپنے اندر برداشت پیدا نہیں کر سکتے اور اسی بات کو ہمارے مولوی صاحبان استمال کر کے ہمارا استحصال کرتے ہیں اور میں نے خود اپنی آنکھوں سے اسے لوگوں کو دیکھا ہے جنہوں نے اسلامیات میں ایم اے کر رکھا تھا مگر تاریخ اسلام سے نا واقف تھے جب کوئی واقعہ تاریخ سے بیان کیا تو انہوں نے کہا کے یہ ہماری تاریخ میں نہیں ہے 
اچھے خاصے پڑھے  لکھے لوگ مولویوں کاا  و عظ  سن کر دوسروں سے نفرت پال لیتے ہیں
اس کا ایک حل تو وہ تھا جو پرویز مشرّف نے تجویز کیا تھا یعنی ان رجسٹرڈ مدراسسوں کو بند کر دیا جائے لکن چونکہ اس سے فتنہ پرور مولویوں کے اپٹ پہ لات پڑتی تھی لہذا اس کی مخالفت کی گیئ اور نہ صرف ان رجسٹرڈ مدرسے  کام کر رہے ہیں بلکہ اسے مولویوں کی کھیپپ پیدا کر رہے ہیں جو منبر پر بیٹھ کر فرقہ وارانہ منافرت پھیلانے کے علاوہ کچھ نہیں کریں گے ایسے ہے کچھ مدرسے پکڑے گئے تھے ماضی میں جن میں طلبہ کو اسکری تربیت دی جاتی تھی 
خیر دوسرا حل یہ ہے کہ ملک کو ترکی کی طرح کا سیکولر کا ملک بنا دیا جائے ویسا نہیں جیسا وہ 1924 میں تھا بلکہ ویسا جیسا اب ہے حقیقت یہی ہے کے سیکولر ممالک ترقی میں بہت آگے ہیں کیونکہ اگرچہ اسلام اقلیتوں کو برابر حقوق کی ضمانت دیتا ہے لکن فی زمانہ یہ ممکن نہیں کہ کسی ملک میں کسی مذہب کی بالادستی ہو اور وہاں اقلیتوں کو برابر حقوق حاصل ہوں اس کی وجہ مذھب کے پیروکاروں کا اپنے مذھب کی اصل تعلیمات سے انحراف ہے جب ملک سیکولر بن اجے گا تو کسی میں احساس کمتری نہیں رہے گا،سب ملک کترققیکے لئے زیادہ  سے زیادہ کوشسه کریں گے اور فایدہ ملک کو ہو گا. انڈیا بھی ایک سیکولر ملک ہے وہاں کی حکومت سیکولر ہونے کے باوجود مسلمان حاجیوں کو 32000 کی سبسڈی دیتی ہے حج پہ ترکی بھی ایک سیکولر ملک ہے لیکن ایشیا   کی دوسری بڑی ابھرتی ہی معیشیت بھی ہے  سیکولر ہونے کا یہ مطلب نہیں ہے کہ دین پہ عمل سے روک دیا جائے گا بلکہ یہ ہے کے ہر ایک کو اپنے نظریات  رکھنے کی آزادی ہو گی 

اگرچہ یہ حل مشکل نظر  آتا ہے پاکستان کے تناظر میں لکن بتدریج اس کو رأیج کیا جا سکتا ہے اگر سیاسی جماعتیں خود مل کر متفققہ طور پی کر لیں تو فبہا اگر نہ کریں تو  شاید کبھی کوئی خاکی والا اس کو رایج کر دے جیسے مصطفیٰ کمال نے کیا تھا.بہرحال حل یہی ہے ان نفرتوں کو مٹانے کا .اس کے علاوہ کوئی حل بظاھر موجود نہیں ہے  

14 November 2012

The solution to unemployment and substandard education

I had earlier done a post on substandard education being delivered in many Private universities and consequently increasing number of not so competant graduates and hence ever increasing unemployment.I had promised to suggest a solution to these problems.the link of that post is given below so that if you have'nt read that post,you can read it.

Now i'll like to move on towards the solution.
The solution to substandard education is very simple.Federal Ministery of Sceince and Technology and Minsitery of Education should unanimously announce to close those universities which have a very small campus,not-so-good labs,substandard curriculum.And above all,there one Federal institute should be established which will be responsible for the checking of papers in country by keeping the identity of university secret (so that chances of taking bribe by paper checkers are nullified and students may not fall prey to the tussel and competition between Universitites etc).My proposed plan is that the teachers who will check the papers will not take classes in that semmester but will get full pay from that newly established Federal institue for checking.Approval from this federal institue will be necessary upon each institue to start working.Lab exams and vivas will also be conducted by Lecturers/Professors etc nominated by this institue.This will ensure a fine crop of passing graduates each year.

And Minsitery of Education and Minsitery of Science and Technology should announce a restriction to open any more engineering institues because there are already enough.Instead Minsitery of Education of each province in collaboration with Minsitery of Health and World Health Organization should open at least 2-3 New Medical Universities of International Standard and a hospitalw ith each University in each province because our country needs focus on health facilities and at present we are lagging behind the point where we should be.As per my knowledge foreign countries dont acknowledge our doctors except thsoe from 2 or 3 institutes and our doctors have to go abroad to do theri specialization.Why dont we establish a few institues of international standard which may offer the specialization of international standard? .So,setting up new universities and hospitals will improve the health condition of the public and will improve the standard of medical education in Paksitan.

My plan for the end of unemployment is that government should create new vaccancies and no employee should be given a permanent job because what happens in Pakistan is that after a person gets a permanent job,he becomes relax that no one can fire me and thus he starts to shirk work,leaves office earlier than the official time etc etc.Thus new job notifications should be for 3 years only and at the end of contract the performance of each employee should be judged.If found satisfactory,he should be promoted to the next scale ,otherwise he should be fired and new recruitments should be made.

And an internship programme for 1 year duration should be started so that when fresh graduates will finsih their internships ,they will have an opportunity to get employed in some government institue.
It should be also noted that fore-mentioned steps to improve the standard of education will themselves create thousands of enw vaccancies as well.

This scheme ensures a guaranteed significant reduction in unemployment.Although i am not a political worker of any party uptill now,neither i am biased towards any particular party,yet i am suggesting these solutions because the benefit is of Paksitan and i dont care whether i get any credit for that or not.I am sure that  there exist many  wiser men than me who can give better ideas and suggestions to their parties and they do,but their parties rule out their advices.Therefore i have opted blogging as a mean to spread awareness among the public.

12 November 2012

Declining standard of education

A series of peaceful protests were conducted when HEC was dissolved.Much was said on both Print and electronic media about tha tissue.But honestly speaking i think that HEC and other institutes which are responsible for maintaining the standard of education e.g PEC have'nt done anything considerable to maintain the standard of education .

Now-a-days there are so many private univeristies in the whole country specially in Lahore and Islamabad.Many of these universities have a very small campus,just a nominal campus i would say.Tution fees are quite high because those who fail to get admission anywhere get enrolled in these universities and pass out as graduates.A few years back there came a trend in our country that those young individuals who were'nt worthy of doing anything else,they started to do I.Com and then B.Com throught these private institutes,as a result we have thousands of unemployed graduates of commerce.

Since there was no one to check that what is the quality of education being delivered to the youth,the education mafia got encouraged and started to open engineering institutes as well.and i am very sorry to mention that PEC did'nt do anything to get these institues banned or closed,neither did the government take notice.
Small scale universities like Hajveri University,Hamdard univeristy,Wah Univeristy,Iqra Univeristy,Bahria University,University of Central Punjab,Superior Unviersity,University of Lahore  etc etc have started offering Engineering programmes.Comsats and Fast were already offering these programmes through their campuses in different cities.

Every university which is opening its campuses is offering B.COm/BBA/MBA.It seems that these three courses are a must for a university to star.Not only that,But Punajb University ahs introduced dozens of new courses which seem quite strange to       ears and apparently their is no need to start such courses.Some courses which were a sub-domain of a course have now been started as a separate course.

Due to these above mentioned reasons the number of graduates has been increasing each year and our population is being flooded with graduates who do'nt even know how to pronounce the evry basic and simple words of English correctly.This si the irony and tragedy of our nation.And when these literate-illiterates compete for jobs,they use references ,approach and bribe to get their job confirmed .As a result well mannered and well groomed candidates with brilliant academic backgrounds suffer.Our nation has fallen to such low standards that now-a-days even private firms are'nt ready to give jobs without reference and approach.
In such a condition can we expect prosperity?

 The sadder and darker part of all this is that if some institution ever took a step against this in future,media and some pseudo-journalists would make noise that this is a step to stop the chain of education.But i request rather appeal all repsonsible citizens of Pakistan to raise voice agains tthese sub-standard institues where asset of the antion si being wasted.They are not being groomed well,neither quality education is being given to them.

I'll inshaAllah try to present the solution to unemployment and this problem in some other post......... 

11 November 2012

Lack of logical thinking

When i was a young kid and whenever a flood or earthquake came,i used to hear from my elders and from Islamic scholars on TV that it is a punishment by Allah,enforced upon us due to our sins.I never bothered to think that those losing their lives in these calamities were mostly from the lower class and had led cleaner lives than the elite class.

and if i ever raised this question,i used to hear the tradition of Bani Israel ,that there was an old man in Bani Israel who was very God fearing and pious but since he did'nt call inhabitants of his settlement to the truth and did'nt ask them to stay away from sins,he also became a victim of Allah's azab (torment).

I did'nt bother to think for a long time that this particular tradition and many others like this had one thing common.Allah sent his azab (torment) to such nations when only so less men were left in such cities,that they could be counted on fingers whereas those sticking to disobedience of Allah were in very vast majority.
In such cases did Allah send His punishment.

But illogical scholars exist even today who say that earthquakes,floods and even sucidie bombings are a result of our sins.The question here arises that a quite significant number of people consider Taliban and their ideology wrong.Then how come is it the punishment by Allah?Ignorance of few individuals can tbe declared punishment by Allah.And such kind of thinking is an expression of doubt in Allah as well because corrupt individuals of elite class almost never get struck by any flood ,rather poor ones have to suffer each time.So calling this azab is actually expressing doubt tht why do'nt the corrupt ones get punished?Some schoalrs answer Allah actually is giving them enoguh time by letiing their ropes loose.He'll one day suddenly pull their ropes tight.Again the question arises ,why such privilege to corrupt individuals only ,why not to poor and relatively very innocent ones?.......In short,they keep arguing with disgusting arguments but never admit their mistake.

I read such a piece of new just today morning and i am going to share it with you as a proof that such ignorant scholars exist even today .here it is:

09 November 2012

2 party system - beneficial or not?

Since last 10 years a debate has been going on in our country that whetehr 2 aprty system is int he benefit or emergence of additional choices is better for Pakistan.

I have been  witnessing Pakistani politics only since last 9-10 years.One thing's for sure that chances are nil for any party to gain simple or 2/3 majority by transparent means now and apparently there is'nt any chance of army's intervention any more in the near future.It means that we'll see a hung parliament in future.

SInce i have witnessed 2 parliaments completing their tenure and both of them were hung.Both of them faced charges of corruption.Although the one under dictatorship faced less serious charges than the current one.

Fazl ur Rehman

Altaf Hussain

WE have seen PPP's recent government being blackmailed by MQM,ANP and JUI etc on different issues.All these have been blackmailing PPP to get their demands fulfilled.Same for the PML-Q which joined PPP just to get Munis Ilahi free of charges.
munis Ilahi

Although if we look back,we'll find corruption in two party system as well.But since 2003,circumstances have changed very much.
Independant judiciary and independant media have made people aware of their rights and of what is going on in the country.Moreover,if media tries to cover some party or politician or any issue,social media unveils it.

So, if Judiciary keeps doing its job as much independantly as it is doing now but boosts the speed to deal with the thousands of the pending cases and army does'nt interfere any more,hung parliament is in broader benefit of Pakistan.Judiciary's performance has been satisfactory over alst 4,5 years.Be it rental power case,be it NRO case,be it Bhutto's trial case,be it Asghar Khan case,be it CNG case,supreme court has been superb.But yet there are some cases such as Karachi chaos case,Balochistan case and above all Arsalan Iftikhar case where judiciary seems to be playing on back foot and it is being criticez the most on Arsalan Iftikhar case.Arsalan Iftikhar seems to be getting favours from investigating authorities one after another.Judges of supreme court should deal this case fairly ,otherwise everyone will criticize judiciary of giving relief to Chief Justice's son and will demand the same for his own kins..........

If these few concerns of public,politicians and media are removed,judiciary will get maximum support from public and even a hung parliament wo'nt be hurdle in the road to a better or prosper Pakistan.

Why U.S.A is a super power?

I have been hearing since years that whenever something extraordinary happens,middle clas or lower class youth of Pakistan blames U.S.A for that thing.Previously U.S.A was only blamed for political upsets but recently our pseudo-intellectuals started pointing out that  Earthquake of 2005 and recent floods were also result of some HARP technology,through which USA not only targeted Pakistan but Haiti as well.

And my response after hearing all this thing was that let U.S.A remain U.S.A ,dont try to give it the status of God.Because being a Muslim my faith is that only Allah can manage activities of so large magnitude.

One of the reasons that U.S.A is a super power is that they dont blame any conspiracy theory for their natural disasters.They tend to find out the root of the problem.And their record tells tha tthe most of the times ,they succeed in it.

And just today i read the news that CIA chief of USA ,David Patreaushas resigned because FIA had come to know about his extra marital affair.This is not the one of its type incident ,such resignations have been made in history as well.Some 1.5 years ago a senator resigned because he had sent erotic mails to some women and his mails were expsoed and he had to resign.

I'm not sure whether their constitution or law demands such resignations or not,but keeping their liberal society in view i think there wo'nt be any clause like this in their law or constitution.If it is so,resignations are really appreciable.And in contrast to their politics,what do we have here in Pakistan?Almost 80-90% of our politicians have been committing such unethical activities and some of them were even exposed in the media,yet none of them bothered to resign or retire.

I still remember that in Musharraf's governemnt a Train accident took place in Pakistan.Opposition demanded a resignation from minister of Railways by giving instance of Indian Minister of Railways who had resigned after a train accident.And the Paksitani Minister then said in National Assembly that why should we follow a Hindu being Muslim..............

We cant prosper as a nation untill we adopt some good traditions from each society and culture

An overview of Iqbal's beliefs

It is a dilemma of our nation that whenever we define some hero,we start trying to prove that he was form our sect and he ahd no concern or soft corner for other sects.

The debate to Prove Quaid e Azam as Ismaili,Athna Ash'ari and Brelvi had beun decades ago.I ahve'nt mentioned deobandi here because deobandi scholars did'nt consider him Muslim at all.AtaUllah Shah Bukhari ,the leader of Majlis e ehrar and deobandi by sect used to declare Quaid e Azam as Kafir e Azam and Pakistan as Paleedistan.Later Justice Munir Commission had givern verdict against him.

The same has happened with Iqbal where different people have tried to prove him shia,wahhabi and Sufi etc.I am not an expert of Iqbal Studies but when i analyzed different poetic expressions of Iqbal,i felt as if Iqbal kept changing his views one after another.

At some stage of his life he was almost sick of Sufi'ism and Khanqahs.At other occasions he is found to be saying poetic verses in the praise of mystics and qalandars etc.At one stage of his life he says that he does'nt care whether Mriza Nasir (khalifa of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani) is the awaited leader or not.His concept about Imam Mehdi are also vague.

Yet we find certain poetic verses and poems of his about the sheer respect and love of Household of Prophet Salla'l la ho alayehi waa aalihi wasallam.Shia use those poetic verses of him to prove him a shia.

Sufis say that the idea of a separate homeland had come to him in "Daata Darbar" and that he had done meditation on the shrine of Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Thaani.Therefore he was a sufi.

Whatever the opinion of the people may be,i personally think that it was due to his sheer respect and love for ahl e bayt e Rasul Salla'lla ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam that he got so much recognition and particualrly due to this one poetic verse :

"Insan ko baedar toh ho lenay do
Har Qaum pukaray gi,hamaray hain Hussain"

Translation : Let the mankind come into conscious.(If it happened so),each nation will claim that our ideology is that of Hussain alaye hi salam

Since he ahd so much respect for ahl e bayt,each nation is claiming that Iqbal is our hero,our philosopher,our poet.

An abridged defence of shia (by a hanafi)

(I decided to write this post after i read a post on an Urdu blog by some sunni guy who had a name which sunnis dont use generally.He had written some punny and tauntative but factually wrong points,which i thought necessary to condemn as the image of shia community is being amde worse by ignorant idiots like him and those who support him by tweeting his article.Such people indeed are responsible for creating sectarian hatred and indirectly repsonsible for shia killings).The link of that post is given below:

Since last 8-9 years,I have been hearing strange things about shia.I used to hear that when on aashur they take out shabeeh e zul jinnah,they pass under it and touch it and do even more weird things just because they consider it taboo.Since i was a child back then,i never bothered to inquire about it.

Then i heard that they have a different kalmah,therefore they are basically out of Islam.Since internet was'nt available ,so i had no access to religious content and due to strict environment of my home,i was a blind follower of what elders used to tell.

Then as i grew elder,i heard that they consider intercourse for a short and agreed time legal ,which is'nt allowed Islam.I also heard that on aashur night,they turn the lights off and .........

As i kept growing older,the list of allegations against shias kept extending.Due to massive propaganda ,there came a stage when i had become strictly anti-shia element myself,though i never thought that it was legitimate to kill them.

It was only a year ago when i thought that i should listen their opinion on the controversial issues and thus i started watching sunni-shia debates on youtube,read some scanned books of shia.But i did'nt read any history book by some shia author.I relied on Tabari ,who was a sunni scholar and many of his traditions are included in Bukhari and Muslim as well.

After some 6-7 months of study i concluded that if any shia does'nt admit the caliphate of first 3 caliphs legitimate he does'nt become apostate because having faith on the legitimacy is'nt a basic requirement to be Muslim.

As far as the accusition is on them that they abuse companions of the Holy Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam specially hazrat umar,this is true for some shia among the public but not true for their scholars.And even if someone commits this action,in the light of ahadeeth,he does'nt become apostate.The reason they feel hatred towards hazrat uamr is due to some historical events,which although sunni scholars tend to hide and not mention,but they are true.

As far as adding Aliyyun Wali Ullah to kalmah is concerned,i admit that Aliyyun Waliullah should'nt be recited with kalmah.Not because doing so is prohibited but because there are many AuliaUllah but Wali ul momineen are only 3 as per verse 55 of sura al maedah : Allayh,RasulAllah Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam and Imam Ali alaye hi salam.And Ali alaye hi slaam is spring of Tasawwuf,All regular sufi orders spring from him so He in a sense is'nt emre WaliUllah but Syed ul Aulia.

As fas the accusition of mutah is concerned ,when i searched about this matter i found the statements of two companions who said that we used to do mutah in Prophet's life until hazrat umar made it prohibited.The viewpoint os shias is that a thing which was'nt condemend by Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam cant be made prohibited by anyone else.Although sunni scholar sbring another tradition from Bukhari to counter this argument in which it is stated that mutah,domestic donkey's meet and garlic were made prohibited on the day of khaybar.but shia present the argument here that since garlic is mentioned and we still use garlic  this mans that this tradition is forged one.and it is written in the book of Ahmad Raza Khan Brelvi ,Fatawa e Razviyya,that if a man and woman agree that the man will divorce him after a specific time period,the marriage is still valid.
This actually is mutah.
In my opinion it is makruuh,neither haram nor msutahabb.

As far as the mysteriouss tory of turning off lights is concerned,i found in some book of history probably in ibn e  khulduun's or ibn e kaseer's that ubaidis used to do this,who were anti-athna asha'ri,yet claimed themselves as shia.

As far as respecting shabeeh e zul jinnah is cocnerned,i believe that there exist many traditions of ignorance among brelvis as well and although educated brelvis try to shun those,fanatics tend to follow them.ignorance exist among all sects,so this is'nt a real issue.

Shia are also accused of not believeing in Quran.they are blamed to believe that the present Quran is'nt complete one.I found that although such traditions exist in shia books but those are weak ones and similar traditions exist in sunni books as well but they    are also weak ones.For example,such traditions exist that some surah ahd actually this much verses.and besides that there exist an interesting debate among sunni scholars that whether Bismillah before each surah is part of that surah or a separate verse.If it si considered a separate verse,the total number of verses will exceed than the present number 6666.I read a tradition in sunan ibn e maja withmy own eyes that Hazrat ayesha's goat ate some pages of Quran upon which some surah was written.Although i rejected this tradition at the first sight,such traditions may create confusion for a reader.Moreoever we are taught that Quran was brought into form of one mus'haf in the government of Hazrat Usman.This tradition and traditions associated with it may also create confusion.The reality is that Quran existed as one mus'haf in the life of holy Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam.After the veil of Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam from this physical world,Imam Ali alaye hi salamdid the exegisis (tafseer) of Quran and it is said that mus'haf written by His hands
contained surahs in the order of revelation.But first caliph refused to take that ,upon which Imam ali alaye hi salam took that mus'haf with Him and became sad at this attitude.Some people are confused by this tradition as well.Whereas actually that mus'haf had exactly same number of verses as the very first shia book "Kitab sulaim bin qais" also confirms it.

These are some very general and repeatedly quoted allegations upon shia ,but thes edont prove that each shia is kafir.Yes,if any shia rather any Muslim denies basics of the religion i.e Tauheed (Monotheism),Khatm e Nabuwwat (End of
Prophethood at Syedna wa Mulana Muhammad Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallm),Quran and prior heavenly books (i.e those heavenly books were revealed by Allah but were later corrupted by the schoalrs of the respective nations),Malayekah (Angels),Qayamat (Doomsday) he is a kafir.

History of shia
And the biggest argument in the defence of shia is that they have been existing since the live of Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam.You do'nt believe me?Ok,let em tell you that soem of companions of Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam were clsoely associated with imam Ali alaye hi salam.these comapnions were Hazrat SalmanFarsi,Hazrat Miqdad,Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari,Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir.These had very sheer love and respect for Imam ali alaye hi salam due to His merits told by Prophet Salla'l la ho alaye hi wa aalihi wasallam and due to his magnificent character.and there were some thers as well but htese 4 had sheer love for Ali alaye hi slaam.Immediately after the Prophet's death (i.e physical veil from this world),these scribes of Ali alaye hi salam (i.e shian e Ali) emerged as a political power.They kept silence most of the time in first 2 caliphates but in caliphate of Hazrat Usman they objected to many policies of Hazrat Usman as did many other companions of Prophet S.A.W.A.W (who were'nt scribes of Ali alaye hi salam) and Umm ul momineen Hazrat Ayesha.As a result some of those companions also became scribes of Ali alaye hi salam.When Imam Ali alaye hi salam took charge of calipahte,some renowned people started rebillion against him.From their started the bad time for the scribes of Imam Ali alaye hi salam and those who respected Ahl e bayt (SalamUllahi alayehim ajmaeen).Oppression was done on them for some 600-700 years through Umawwi and Abbasi reign.no one can deny that Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik attended the  "Dars e Hadeeth" of Imam Ja'far alaye hi salam in Umawwi reign.

Shia had been existing since some 70-80 years by then.The point to ponder is that if shia are kafir ,why did'nt these two founders of their respective fiqahs declared them so?Neither did any of their direct disciples did so.There are many other points in favour of shia relating to Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifa,but i'll discuss them in some other post.I think for now,its enough.

08 November 2012

Social Media and collective consciousness

About a year ago,i began to take interest in psychology.Primarily due to one man Dr. Moiz.I ahve beenw atching him ob TV since last 6-7 years,not regulaly though.Last year i started watching his program Dr. Moiz's Lounge,which was broadcasted by Health TV but i used to watch it via Youtube.

His talks created curiosity in me to know about psychology and i set out to know about psychology.I browsed through the internet and read some e-books and learnt very little.One of the many interesting concepts of psychology which i discovered  was collective consciousness.

What i learnt of collective consciousness was that all thoughts of human beings are more or less connected to each other and not only this but their thoughts are also connected to their Creator.This  is the reason that we sometimes experience that a person in a meeting had just spoken a piece of talk,which we were about to utter.This happens due to universal connectivity. 

And when a large number of people think the same thing,that thing is likely to happen actually and likely to be manifested.If a large number of people are thinking one thing and another large group thinking the other,the group dominant in number and having better average mental stability is likely to succeed.

Having known this,when i returned to Social media (i had stopped using social media some 2 years ago) i experienced that social media represents the concept of collective consciousness in a better way.

I am now thinking to experiment easy manifestation with social media,if you want to be part of it,comment below. 

Ghulam Ahmad Bilour's subtle politics

I have been emphasizing over and over that people can be and have been easily exploited in the name of Islam and Pakistan.This is very shameful for us as well as disgusting.

Just have  a look at the pic below (click to have an enlarged view):

A so huge gathering creates the problems of security as well as sanitation and water supply etc.Moreoever its not an obligatory gathering for Muslims,ratehr it is an endorsement of one typical ideology then why has Pakistan Railways announced to run special trains for this annual congregation?Becasue Ghulam Ahmad Bilour,our Minister for Railways cimes from KPK.and it seems very amazing that although he belongs to a secular party,yet he has made such an announcement to win the sympathies of KPK public,because majority of those gathering in Raiwind is from KPK.

A few months later,Dawat e Islami (green turbans) will also hold their annual congregation at Multan.Will Ghulam Ahmad Bilour run special trains for them as well or does he intend to just endorse Saudi version of Islam?

My points raised in Punjab assembly

Have a look at the image below which has been taken from The Daily "Dunya".Click on the image to get full view.
Are'nt these th4e same points which i had raised earlier on twitter and through this blog?Yes,they are.And i consider it my first success.Yet i am sad to know about the filthy language of Law Minsister of Punjab.Shehbaz Shareef should fire him from cabinet.But he wo'nt because he himself has been calling others as "Chor,daku,Lutera,Madari etc etc" and when he is called "Blacksmith" in return just for once,which was actually profession of his forefathers,he minds it.....

Dual standard politics

It is very shameful that PML-N claims to be the champion of democracy ,yet htey are not playing fair.About a year ago,Imran Khan was yelling at emdia that his posters and banners are being torn by LDA and Punjab government ,but media did'nt give any importance to his statements.Rana SanaUllah appeared on the tv once and said that as per laws the banners are taken off after 3-4 days.The same complain was quoted by PPP whenever PPP officials used to come on a scheduled tour to Lahore and Rana SanaUllah gave the same answer.Now i have witnessed that its been almost more than a month that the posters of Punjab Youth Festival and Punjab youth Internship Program are displayed on various roads of Lahore.Why does'nt LDA or Punjab Government take them down?Where is Mian Shehbaz Shareef's slogan for justice and equality?

Besides this issue,i msut address another one to expose their dual faced politics.Shareef brothers were in exile,whereas Asif Ali Zardari was in jail for some 8 years.Asif ali Zardari came out of jail as a politician who knew how to reconcile with his opponents whereas Shareef Brothers kept insisting that they wont take any of musharraf's men back.Media also kept criticizing Asif Ali Zardari and Imran Khan for inclusion of political titans into their parties.And now when the time for elections has arrived Shareef briothers have put all the principles aside and have started taking those people back who once used to abuse them and their family members.They have also started making seat adjustments with allegedly millitant organisations which keep creating sectarian hatred amongst the masses.

What a shame have Shareef Brothers brought to the country.And yet they have their necks stuffed with pride and arrogance.But they should remember that "Pride hath a fall.........

Green Pakistan

Yesterday i was watching a news channel and there was no bound of my delight when i came to know that Fauji Fertilizers has installed the country's first ever WInd Turbine for power generation.The capacity of this project is 50 MW.This news is like a cool breeze for our country which is already facing eenrgy crisis and has to import furnace oil to generate power from thermal powerplants .What adds to my delight is that 27 out of 33 turbines and rotors are locally manufactured as per told by one of Fauji Fertilizers official.

Wind Energy Potential in Paksitan
You will be shocked to know that the wind map developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA in collaboration with USAID, has indicated a potential of 3,46,000 MW in Pakistan.
The Gharo-Keti Bandar wind corridor spreading 60 KM along the coastline of Sind Province and more than 170 km deep towards the land alone has a potential of approximately 50,000 MW.
30% ~ 32% Capacity Factor estimated in Gharo -Keti Bandar area.
Wind resource in Gharo ~ Keti Bandar wind corridor validated by RisO DTU National Laboratory,Denmark

Solar Energy Potential
I being a Meachanical Engineer know that Potential of power generation by use of Solar Energy is some 40,000 MW in Paksitan.this means that Pakistan can produce a total of 3,86,000 MW green energy whereas our demand of energy at present is some 30,000 MW (at maximum).

Long term planning to overcome energy crisis
So if we start power generation as afore-mentioned ,we'll be not only fulfilling our energy need but we'll be able to earn revenue  by exporting it to neighbour countries. 

Additional benefits
if such projects are approved and registered by the governmenet of the country in which these are installed,Clean Development Mechanism Programme issues a CER value (Certified Emission Reduction Value) to that project.
CER credits then can be traded intenationally against money.CER is actually the maount of emissions which would have polluted the atmosphere if the same amount of electricity was to be produced by thermal energy.
For example, 1 MW of electricity production from thermal energy takes some 3.5 tonnes of coal or 10.5 tonnes of CO2 consequently.but prodcuing 1 MW from solar energy or wind energy for the same time would actually mean reduction of 10.5 tonnes.
These amounts end up in metric tonnes when we talk about annual power generation,and in October 2012  prices of CER were 1.36 euros per metric ton of CER.

In short,the money you can earn by generating green energy and hence trading CER can not only cover the fabrication,installation and transportation cost within 1-2 years but can actually start earning you profit.So,we must install green energy projects as much as we can if we are inteersted in developing long term plans for the country.