11 November 2012

Lack of logical thinking

When i was a young kid and whenever a flood or earthquake came,i used to hear from my elders and from Islamic scholars on TV that it is a punishment by Allah,enforced upon us due to our sins.I never bothered to think that those losing their lives in these calamities were mostly from the lower class and had led cleaner lives than the elite class.

and if i ever raised this question,i used to hear the tradition of Bani Israel ,that there was an old man in Bani Israel who was very God fearing and pious but since he did'nt call inhabitants of his settlement to the truth and did'nt ask them to stay away from sins,he also became a victim of Allah's azab (torment).

I did'nt bother to think for a long time that this particular tradition and many others like this had one thing common.Allah sent his azab (torment) to such nations when only so less men were left in such cities,that they could be counted on fingers whereas those sticking to disobedience of Allah were in very vast majority.
In such cases did Allah send His punishment.

But illogical scholars exist even today who say that earthquakes,floods and even sucidie bombings are a result of our sins.The question here arises that a quite significant number of people consider Taliban and their ideology wrong.Then how come is it the punishment by Allah?Ignorance of few individuals can tbe declared punishment by Allah.And such kind of thinking is an expression of doubt in Allah as well because corrupt individuals of elite class almost never get struck by any flood ,rather poor ones have to suffer each time.So calling this azab is actually expressing doubt tht why do'nt the corrupt ones get punished?Some schoalrs answer Allah actually is giving them enoguh time by letiing their ropes loose.He'll one day suddenly pull their ropes tight.Again the question arises ,why such privilege to corrupt individuals only ,why not to poor and relatively very innocent ones?.......In short,they keep arguing with disgusting arguments but never admit their mistake.

I read such a piece of new just today morning and i am going to share it with you as a proof that such ignorant scholars exist even today .here it is:

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